Bindura Nickel Corporation Limited
Bindura Nickel Corporation Limited
+263 772 185 650 / 3 Mon - Fri 07:30 - 16:30 No. 1 Trojan Mine Road, Bindura

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Bindura Nickel Corporation | Announcement to Shareholders

1. Background 1.1 This announcement is being made to the shareholders of the Company in terms of the provisions of the Securities and Exchange (Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Listings Requirements) Rules, 2019, Statutory Instrument 134/209 (“Listings Rules”). 1.2 On 29 July 2019 Asa Resource Group Plc (In Administration) and its associates (‘Asa or ‘the Seller’) represented […]

Special trading update for the period October to December 2020

Bindura Nickel Corporation Limited (“BNC” or “the Company”) continued with its efforts to combat the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic among employees and the community in which it exists and operates. Regrettably, one Lost Time Incident (“LTI”) was registered in December 2020. The injured person has since fully recovered and is back at work. Read […]